Friday, September 25, 2009

Ageless Body-Builder Burns Fat

Tsutomo Tosaka, 74 years old, is another example, like Morjorie Newlin, of how you can't let age stop you from doing what you want.   Tosaka recently won first place at the Japanese National Championships in a field of 9 over 70 year olds.   His win made international news. 

He started lifting weights when he was in his 40s and has won many competitions. He says it is easy to stay healthy if you do some exercising.  He's known as Japan's slickest septuagenarian.  He is just AWESOME!


I am not into body-building competitions for myself.  I just like keeping myself fit and having more energy.  I love it that lifting weights keeps you young and that you don't have to participate in competitions to look good. 

Body-building is great whatever your age. Weight-lifting exercises do wonders for your self-esteem and well-being.   It also increases your strength.  Furthermore, when you start to get in shape, you feel just great.  Aren't you worth the benefits taking care of your body?
If you’re curious about how bodybuilders eat and train to get so lean, check out Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle: Fat Burning Secrets of the World’s Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models.

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